Sunday, October 26, 2014

Headed to China 10/17!

Well, this post is a little late, OK a lot late, but I have good reasons. We made it to China! We are here! We are in Beijing. As I write this I have 2 sleeping little ones next to me. I can't believe it still!!!

We left for China on Friday, October, 17th. We had an early morning flight and Grandpa Tom and Grandma Laurie brought us to the airport. I was very nervous how Colby would react to the long plane ride, 15 hours, but he was a real trooper. We took a huge 777 plane that was equipped with a TV screen in front of every seat. Colby and Mike even played Battleship against each other! Our first flight took us to Hong Kong where we had about a 2 hour layover. Then we had a flight to Beijing. We had a driver pick us up and bring us to the Novotel right in the center of Beijing. It was late at night on Saturday 10/18 due to the 12 hour time difference, when we finally checked in. We thought we would have Sunday to rest but to our surprise the driver told us he was picking us up with our guide the next day at 9AM. We would have GOTCHA on Sunday 10/19 not Monday 10/20 like we thought. I was such a bundle of emotions. Neither Mike or I slept much that night. We would soon be a family of 4! I didn't think this day would ever come.

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